A VERY BIG Welcome to the Lambretta Chopper Owners Club International. Website, commonly known as the LCOC
Again welcome, you have landed on the Lambretta Chopper Owners club official website, Not to be mistaken with the comedy Lambretta Chopper Clubs, who’s members wear their merchandise and then jump on an Auto Chopper or even a Vespa GTS, the idea behind this club is to join up like minded people who own a Lambretta Chopper, who since the purist culture has grown in recent years may be frowned upon, where current ride outs predominantly consist of full frames on the Lambretta front.
The LCOC is an international club, we have members all over the world, and we are affiliated to the Lambretta Club of Great Britain.
It is not our intention to replace the affiliation of your local club, but we are seeking to provide a unity between the Lambretta Chopper owners throughout the world. during the year at national rallies predominantly in the UK, We also like to attend club rallies supporting members who may be have a vested interest in them, we hope that members may take the time to meet up with other LCOC members and at least once a year have a larger meet up of club members.
In 2018/19 we attended as a club Dutch Lions SC Rally in Holland with over 25 members attending, we also attended as a club the Oddballs Rally in 2015/16/17/18 on each occasion winning best represented club.
In 2019 we also attended the Oddballs Rally again winning best represented club & Rally on Regardless 2 as twin rallies to cater for both our Southern and Northern members.
It is not a criteria of membership to attend club rallies however this gives members the opportunity to meet up with fellow members and to camp together should you choose to.
Members have also attended international rallies and in 2019 we chose to go to France with several members attending making an almost 1600 mile round trip, more information on this can be found on the members page.
As a predominantly based UK nationwide club we make use of social media only as a channel of communication, for members only. Where members post and are encouraged to make full use of it to ask questions, get to know other members and to join in the jovial conversation, as well as hints and tips should you wish to makeover your ride.
Only members can be added to the LCOC FB group, however this is not a membership requirement as we have several members not on FB.
On this site you will be able to keep up to date with news features. as well as picture galleries featuring members of the LCOC, select the galleries page to view, if you follow the links under more LCOC, or click HERE we will be adding new pages as the site grows, some created with ideas from the membership, to include feature pages on individual chops.
For information on membership please visit the membership page, or click HERE where you can fined the membership application, however please read the page content before making an application to ensure you meet the required criteria.
We also have a range of LCOC merchandise, the page which is constantly being updated,includes a selection of merchandise, portraying the Lambretta Chopper Owners Club, this may include Tee shirts, patches and badges. etc.; more details on our merchandise page or click HERE
The LCOC have a Twitter account and if you are into social networking in this way we would encourage you to follow us @lambrettachop, we also have a members only group on FaceBook and a like page too, search for Lambretta Choppers on FB or visit our links page under the More LCOC, or click HERE, meanwhile please have a look around and remember to bookmark us and come back and see the new additions, and of course don’t forget to visit the gallery’s where we will be increasing the photo collection with original pictures that can only be seen on this website, until stolen of course we have no objections to people using our photos for other purposes, however we only ask that in all occasions you mention this site as the original location.
The members of the Lambretta Chopper Owners Club would like to thank you for visiting.