At Abingdon Rugby Club, the Oxfordshire Scooter Alliance had organised the inaugural Oddballs rally, In April 11th -12th 2015 look out for next years event featured on FB and our links page.
Lambretta Chopper Owners Club, Wins Best Represented Club.
- OddBalls 2015 Flyer
- Wake up Terry time to go home
- Do they both look rusty, take a closer look
- Cry no More winner of special prize
- Reborn, now in bits
- The Banners uncovered
- More Angles
- Cry No More
- Pride in Oxford
- Terry Barret Mascot Tomfoolery with Andrew Sheppard, Gary Nash, Trevor Bunce and Jonn Glover
- Somethings amusing
- Group Hugs
- The finger, hated by some, but it gets the point accross parden the pun.
- Dont ask me
- We are not amused
- Whats to say, this is the LCOC
- Line up, always a good shot
- Amanda Shepard is amused by something it would seem
- Club Mascot frolicking
- Lines look good
- Its all about the angles
- Mr and Mrs Sheppard
- Usual Photo Bomber